[AV4CP] Taking Chances

Day 1,172, 07:23 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

The curse of the politician in the New World is that you soon run out of topics to talk about. Actually, it would be more fair to say that you soon run out of any meaningful new arguments to bring to the debate. In this, the continued changes to the way we do business and the way we fight has probably been a blessing in disguise.

Or not... the point is that at some point in our near future, we have to find a way to lift the discourse to a new level.

There are only so many ways to configure our taxation system. There are only so many ways to break down the costs of maintaining an elite level military establishment. We live in interesting times with regards to alliances but the ghost of "Us" and "Them" remains, the New World is essentially two great solitudes circled by a few independent minded satellites.

At some point Canada needs a national project, it will need a focus.

It isn't enough to create a tax system that is fair and sustainable, it should be crafted to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.

It isn't enough to have markets that are plentiful, we need land and manufacturing sectors that are competitive on the international stage and businesses that are more efficient.

With an active population a tenth of those of the bigger powers, it is not realistic to want to have everything and be everything to everyone. It is not realistic to say we should protect every economic sector. We should not expect the influence and ability to acquire new land that a superpower has.

What we can do though is to say we will be very good at what we do. We can negotiate with our allies for the bonuses we are missing. We can specialize.

We can create layers that add depth to the New World, projects that can engage citizens. We can use our energy to be different.

Do not wait for the near mythical baby boom... create the environment that will attract and retain citizens. Be bold enough to see people as a resource to be groomed and grown. Make Canada a destination, a place to come and thrive.

I'm prepared to take a chance, apathy is death. I am more willing to invest and risk losing than sit back and have opportunity stolen from me.

Tomorrow I will vote and I hope to see our excellent candidates rewarded for their campaigns with substantial support.

Tomorrow I will vote to take a chance.

I know who I will support, make sure you do too.