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[CP Campaign] Who Should I Vote For?

14 Ziua 1,170, 09:46 Publicat în Canada Canada

**UPDATE** As this article was being composed, the CPP announced it was endorsing Kronos Q.
**UPDATE 2** MOO confirms Aeriala as candidate.
**UPDATE 3** MDP and UN endorse Fram (Nea Milosu) who releases his platform. Aeriala … citește în continuare »

[CP Campaign] It's a question of Choice

17 Ziua 1,167, 13:59 Publicat în Canada Canada

Ultimately it is all about choices. Do we want a visionary, an autocrat, a reactionary, a status quo candidate... all of the above, none.

The purpose of the Presidency is first and foremost to provide leadership. It is through the CP candidate's

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Commentary: Canada's Road to Adulthood

23 Ziua 1,162, 13:42 Publicat în Canada Canada

My sociological mind is intrigued but my sense of fair play smells something rotten and my competitive spirit is disgusted.

This is going to be about hypocrisy, Canada and the thefts... again. If you are sick of hearing about them or reading

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No Bull, Just Vision

25 Ziua 1,158, 06:55 Publicat în Canada Canada

There are two places in politics in Canada where you can affect real changes. One obvious and very important place is the office of the President. The other place, arguably to a greater extent, is Congress.

The court of public opinion of course

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[CP] Onward Canada, Final Thoughts

24 Ziua 1,080, 09:38 Publicat în Canada Canada

As my month at the helm of Canada comes to an end, I find myself in a pensive mood. Some of my time leading the country this month went better than I expected, others elements were not as successful. Overall I would give myself a passing grade. Had

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