Thank You and Good Night [Concedes]

Day 1,173, 19:31 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

Please allow me to be the first to concede to Kronos Q tonight and congratulate him on his victory. He is a great asset to Canada and with a capable team behind him, will lead us effectively. Of this I am convinced.

On a similar note (i.e. conceding), impersonating a citizen, organization or political party used to lead to sanctions. It is one of the lowest tactics that is possible to employ and really shows a complete lack of sportsmanship.

I was ready for many different things tonight.

I was ready for the possibility of not winning. Kronos Q led a superb campaign with clear and engaging articles. When he started picking up the endorsements of EPIC and other smaller parties, you knew he would do well.

I was ready for the possibility of finishing last... that is behind Fram and Aeriala. Fram because of the support he mustered late in the campaign and the fact that the MDP had the power to whip their vote. Aeriala because he just did a fantastic job this past term. Sure he could be criticized for some things but overall he did more, with less than about any President before him.

Finally, as the hours went by I started realizing that not only would I finish last... I would finish behind Rolo.

That was a little harder to take.

He almost beat me by tripling my support, may still happen.

That... embarrasses me. Go back in the archives of past CP races and see those that garnered less than 6% of the vote. How many of those ended up having any sort of career later on?

Jacobi just wrote in his article (a great read incidentally) that I ended up, "not being a threat". Hell... I ended up not even being relevant.

Nobody likes that feeling.

So to those brave souls that took a chance on me... a warm thank you. I hope to escape the curse of the 6% and justify your confidence in me.

To Kronos Q... excellent work. Believe it or not, that was the easy part, now comes the task of governing.

To Aeriala... you've been right for two months, the system unfortunately is wrong.

To Canada... better luck next time eh?