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[CP] New Victory Bond Program to Start

18 Ziua 1,067, 18:40 Publicat în Canada Canada

The Government of Canada is issuing 2,000 victory bonds at a cost of 1 gold/bond in two phases.

Goals: Provide Canada with monetary flexibility to cover its military obligations and ambitions. Provide gold for further CAD printings to then be

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[CP] What Have You Done For Me Lately

19 Ziua 1,065, 09:47 Publicat în Canada Canada

Some things in the New World move fast, others move slowly. The business of Government is one of those things that appear to move slowly. If there is no war, there is the perception of immobility. If the economy is less than perfect, there is the

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[CP] Bonds Update and Continued Hard Work

13 Ziua 1,057, 07:46 Publicat în Canada Canada

The Government is working for you.

Having been in office for a week, it is time to offer some explanation of the work we have been doing.

One of the major focuses was going to be the economy and the state of our finances. There was simply no

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[CP] The Hard Work Starts Today

13 Ziua 1,051, 09:55 Publicat în Canada Canada

(la version française suit)

It was one of the longest days in my eRepublik history and in the end it was also one of the most rewarding.

The tension started early as I was targeted for a smear campaign by anonymous ads. I kept telling … citește în continuare »

Official Statement on the Election Scandal

34 Ziua 1,050, 03:36 Publicat în Canada Canada

It isn't me.

Easy for me to say right? Right. About as easy as it would be to manufacture that conversation I'm alleged to have had.

I'm not the only person being targeted by this, the whole electorate is. That the people behind this hold such

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