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Rantings of an old man, still trying to get things done. I'd suggest some of my older articles to remember Erepublik's good old days!

Commons and Ministers

16 Dia 372, 21:19 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Alright, so first things first:

For new Congressmen and women who missed my last article, there's a very simple way to accomplish something during your term. In case you did miss the article, here's the link to it:

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Historical Value and Tradition do Have Meaning

7 Dia 370, 20:19 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Historically, the UK has been ruled by a Government willing to help it's people. We've been a cooperative lot (although we havent always gotten along), who are open to ideas and willing to allow anyone the freedom of making their own choice.


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Minimum Wage and Upcoming Elections

9 Dia 369, 13:04 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

So, there was an article written by Diagon that I thought I would shed some light on, considering a couple of outwardly hostile comments from Congressman Kinnersly were seen in both our House of Commons and here in Erepublik.

For starters, if you

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Finland's Fight for Freedom

16 Dia 368, 09:02 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

I would like to make a quick statement:

Finland has officially started their return to the map, in the war with Norway today. This was a completely agreed upon method between Finland and Norway. Since they were attacking a Finnish Region, the MPP'

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~Just Because I felt like stealing a Format~

9 Dia 366, 15:45 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

(The inside joke is the formatting in the title. The person who was meant to get it, will 😛)

On a day that should stand out so much in our minds, I'd like to take a moment to rerun all the things I've done and some of the outstanding people I've

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