Finland's Fight for Freedom

Day 368, 09:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

I would like to make a quick statement:

Finland has officially started their return to the map, in the war with Norway today. This was a completely agreed upon method between Finland and Norway. Since they were attacking a Finnish Region, the MPP's weren't supposed to activate, according to the information received from the admins.

But, unfortunately the MPP's have activated so Finland has caught the blows from 5 countries thus far in their attempts at the exercise they labeled SPEAR 08.

So, I am asking now: If you wish to fight, as I know many of you are anxious considering Indonesia has been unwilling to take arms against Argentina, then please move to Finland first, and do not fight against Finland with our MPP. That was not it's intent, and it was not supposed to activate.

Once again, this is a Norwegian sponsored war, please do not fight against the Finns. Otherwise, let's enjoy this peaceful, sunny day.

