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Rantings of an old man, still trying to get things done. I'd suggest some of my older articles to remember Erepublik's good old days!

Atlantis is flat out Fed Up

59 Dia 382, 15:53 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

The time has come. For several months now, we've listened to the likes of Indonesia, France, Italy, and Portugal talk about how grandiose they are. We've listened to them brag of stands in small provinces, when the reality is those stands were

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A Thanks, and Working Together for a Brighter Future

9 Dia 382, 00:57 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

If the elections in the country we all love so dearly show us something, it's that we need to work together and unite under one ideal, one purpose. For some time now, myself along with many others have worked tirelessly so the eUK can excel in every

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Ministerial Announcements Dec 08

1 Dia 381, 17:15 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

As it stands right now, the elections are at 272-150 with the smaller parties having 34 and 24 votes each. There are some important issues that are going to be taking precedence over the next few days, so I am posting this in hopes of an

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Atlantis Special Operations: Cheese and Banks

12 Dia 380, 07:47 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Tonight, we shall have Cheese with our Wine.

All Atlantis personnel, please report to your assigned location, and notify your command. Make sure you're equipped with the proper, um, stuff for this "mission" and to any Atlantis Soldier I

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A Manifesto of Sorts - Party Politics vs Presidential Leadership

6 Dia 379, 15:40 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

So, most of you are wondering where my "Manifesto" is.

The answer is simple, really. There is a decent fraction of people who eLive under the misconception that electing someone into Power means that you are electing a Party.


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