Minimum Wage and Upcoming Elections

Day 369, 13:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, there was an article written by Diagon that I thought I would shed some light on, considering a couple of outwardly hostile comments from Congressman Kinnersly were seen in both our House of Commons and here in Erepublik.

For starters, if you look properly at the minimum wage, it's used by a small amount of companies that are for hiring new citizens into Erepublik. You must look deeper than simply an A in a GCSE to analyze the effects that raising the minimum wage would have at all levels. I would also like to say that Erepublik does not require a PhD in Economics to understand that there are market imperfections in each and every aspect of things.

So, here goes:

First off, with the cost of Raw Materials as they are, and the productivity formula severly limiting, most newer citizens aren't producing more than .50 units per day in any field. Combine the cost of their salary (1 GBP) to the cost of the RM required to produce it (1 per quality level per required RM), and you'd properly see why a higher minimum wage would only make more companies go out of business.

If you really want to debate it, which you seem to want to do, then you can also know that raising minimum wage doesnt actually inject money into the economy as you say it does. It only recycles the amount that's currently in the economy quicker. In order to inject more, more needs to go into circulation, hence come from somewhere other than the pockets of GM's that are having a hard enough time employing people as it is.

Why the UK is so different - What makes us "special

Simply put, we've got and have always had (back for more than a few months anyhow) the most organized law making procedures in Erepublik. Through the House of Commons, which is a British tradition, by the way, we've come up with some of the greatest schemes, ideals, and laws in Erepublik that are both ground breaking (Transport for London) and regulatory (War Council, Gov't Structure, etc). If you're an elected Congressman or woman in the eUK,by all means use the authority placed in you by the voters of the United Kingdom by voicing your opinions, but please do it in the House of Commons. We're all smart, and we've collectively got "years" of Erepublik experience between us, rather than hauling off and making half cocked proposals without any true sense of thought behind them.

tl;dr: Use the Commons. The people elected you to use your voice. Do it.

Congressional Elections

So, Congressional elections are approaching soon. We're going to see manifesto's and thoughts and initiatives and whatnot placed about on how to run the United Kingdom.

I've got one for you:

As a Group.

Let's all work together, and vote for some of the most active, knowledgeabe people in Erepublik, regardless of what Party they are in. I know there are some old timers returning to races (Deathtoll and Pagan from the UKRP, Rayf returning for Bristol, Stan for London) and so on. Please do not vote based on Party.

Let me repeat that: Please do not vote based on Party. Vote on their dedication to the job, ideals and moving forward what they can provide to you.

So, in closing, I'd like to say welcome to new citizens. We're surging forward each day with brand new thoughts, so take the first steps to succeeding in Erepublik:

-Read the Wiki
-Join the forums (

Doing that will give you a head start into success in Erepublik!

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom