~Just Because I felt like stealing a Format~

Day 366, 15:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

(The inside joke is the formatting in the title. The person who was meant to get it, will 😛)

On a day that should stand out so much in our minds, I'd like to take a moment to rerun all the things I've done and some of the outstanding people I've met here in Erepublik. Being almost a year old myself, there have been quite a few, some of whom are still around and most of those are dead and gone. Here's a small tribute to those who helped me, and those who founded what was to become Erepublik, and what we know of it today.

I was born on December 16th of last year, moving in on twelve months myself. The first thing I did, like most new citizens back then was to create a newspaper (The Daily Prophet), and post my CV (old school Human Resources). I waited a few days, and got a job working in a weapons shop. I wrote an article the day after my birth, about the problems with the leadership in "today's" Erepublik, which I probably couldnt find now. Soon after, I received a PM from Will Pilgrim asking if I wanted to join into a partnership. We'd be under his newspaper, the USA Today, and I would do the Op-Ed pieces that I liked to write, along with a few interviews here and there.

One of the first businessmen I met was Platonic, one of the oldest citizens in the US. He was the owner of two companies, which were founded under a new "corporation" name of Yuma. I interviewed him, and got to know him decently. I then became an employee of Yuma as well as the company treasurer (which turned out to be nothing since it never really materialized the way it was supposed to). Through Platonic I met Korbin, and along with Korbin's brother Jack, became the first officially announced Presidential cabinet in eUS history. Soon after, I had Aegis, Peter Gibbons, and now US President Benn Dover.

Those were the days, actually. We founded the Department of Defense, and pretty much the majority of the US Government together. Peter and Aegis both eventually quit due to not liking the setup or general boredom, as things have been slow to develop. At the end of Korbin's second term, I came in contact with Nave Saikiliah, a brash and heady guy who frankly knew his economics. He won Presidency after building the then defunct Libertarian party (and changing it's name to Liberty) to more than 150 members.

So, a fond farewell to the days when I was in the US, to guys like Benn, Ryan, Olu, Peter, Aegis, Korbin, Platonic, DF, Emerick, Dia, Ron Paul, and so on. When the world was smaller, it was a playground. Looking at where Erepublik has gone since, we've come an awful long ways from our MDU's, havent we?

To the present times, it's an honor and pleasure to be a part of the community I've grown accustomed to, here in the UK and World. We have the biggest forum in Erepublik, with over 250 daily users checking in, and more than 100,000 posts. Even through thick and thin, people like Widdows, Stan, Ip Lockard, Rayf, Jerry, DT, Pagan, and the whole crew, make coming to Erepublik worth while. Working closely with my team and the whole of the UK, with our level of organisation and experience is rewarding in and of itself, and in my opinion we've got possibilities on the horizon that can make Erepublik the greatest experience in the world.

And what would Erepublik be with George, Geo, Cristi, Alexis, and the rest of the dev team for bringing this to us on a daily basis. Congratulations on your success, and I can't seem to see it do anything but grow. I know I'll be right here, should you need any assistance from me, as you've given me something to do for almost a year now.

I'd like to make an honorable mention to Koroush (now Aryamehr), Dio, Collins, Newbie, and so on for bringing style and entertainment to Erepublik along with your wit.

Sincerely, and happy birthday,

UK Prime Minister, and Two-Term President of the US