Historical Value and Tradition do Have Meaning

Day 370, 20:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Historically, the UK has been ruled by a Government willing to help it's people. We've been a cooperative lot (although we havent always gotten along), who are open to ideas and willing to allow anyone the freedom of making their own choice.

The House of Commons has been the main source of Government since the UK started it's blossoming period. It has been occupied by some of the greatest minds to grace the UK, including Kaleb, Piperbunny, Paddy, Shadow, Bob, KIA, Ip, and so on. Collectively, I'd argue that we're among the most seasoned group of Erepublikans in the World, even with our recent problems. Commons is where Party's can choose to put their differences aside, voice their opinions, make their knowledge useful and formulate some of the greatest plans we've seen.

Our Commons has and will see periods of activity spikes and valleys however. Recently, with the flurry of military activity and country growth (almost to 4 thousand citizens in less than a months time, began at 1900 at my term), we've seen a small valley in activity.

I'd like to commend the following people for their input into Commons:

Rayf Drayson (now a Lord)
Malchert (PP, UBP)
Cheeseball (most likely going to Lords depending on other commitments)
Tim (moved to Australia)
Shadow (even at a 50% rate)
StanWephen (PP, PCP)
Json (newly appointed MDU Rep)
Keitarour (low attendence rate, but input always valuable as MoW)

So, off the top of my head, normal representation in the House has been roughly 50% overall, with some members posting sporadically and others on a daily basis. Below is an outline of what I, as Prime Minister would like to see from a person who's elected to Commons:

-Checking Commons and giving input (emphasis on the last part as much as the first) daily. It takes a minimum of six days to pass legislation that is a non-sensitive classification, so there is wiggle room here but showing up and not giving input makes you pretty much useless as a representative of the people.

-Be positive, innovative, and cooperative: There's lots of things I don't think are right or that will work, but that doesnt mean I havent voted to at least give them a shot. I think giving parties without representation in-game the right to vote is undemocratic in and of itself, not because the system here in Erepublik is broken, but rather it's the system we have. I was at least willing to see if it increased activity, which it has (so credit Roeland on that end), so it may end up being a good idea. Just because we dont think so personally, if the group, collectively decides it on a vote then we should pursue the matter considering that it's a majority opinion.

-Find solutions to problems thoroughly and thoughtfully: There are still many things I'd like to work out in my term as Prime Minister, and I have a little over a week left. Yes, I'm running for re-election, but that doesnt mean we're going to quit working so I can use them in an election bid. I've seen ideas which I thought were good (as in bringing back Stan's TfL, FD's gifting scheme, and so on) and proposed them after carefully putting a proposal together. I'd like to see some more of the same from others, as you will notice that the majority of the proposals are written by two to three people.

Overall, when running to represent the UK, that's what I expect, personally. I expect each and every one of you to show up and represent the people who voted for you.

So, good night, happy voting, and Good Luck to each and every candidate. I'm sure that each of you will do well.


Prime Minister of the UK