eFrench Relations: MoFa Truth

Day 895, 19:00 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

Honour and Real Politik

A. A Brief Overview of eCanadas Strategic Position.

There are 4.5 routes to attack eCanada: 1. From eUSA. 2. From eIreland. Neither of these pose a threat at present. 3. From eUK 4. From eFrance and 4.5 From eRussia via Alaska.
Until the reconquest of Heliongjiang Alaska looked our most vulnarable area with eHungary, eSerbia and eRussia 2 regions away in N.China and Far East Russia. With the removal of eHunary from this theatre this threat has declined but still exists.

Even Hitler sought to avoid a 'war on two fronts' and this has been one of main aims of eCanadian Foreign Policy, at least in my mind, for the last 6 months. We fortunately didn't trigger war eUK when we attacked eFrance but there can be no doubt that we have opened up the Western routes to future attack. We are also now at war with eRussia in consequence of their MPP with eFrance (also eSerbia, eBrazil, eMexico among others). It is easy to declare war and alot harder to close them...

B. Recent History of eCanadian - eFrench Relations.

The First Chance

After the North American invasion had been cleared and eSpain was liberated eHungary appeared to be only Peace 'winner' keeping Helionjiang. They were acting imperiously toward their Peace allies and launching needless attacks on Austria etc... At this point Peace was falling apart and we and eUSA opened the 'RedOctober' talks with eFrance and eItaly. Our relations were very good with both these nations and I believe that had others listened to us Entente now would be pro-Eden. We actualy secretly fought with these countries against eHungary in Switzerland and other places. Peace split up and France, Italy and others formed Entente. eCanada made peace with eFrance, and as we had a NAP with eUK the Western door was closed.

However eSpain, having been wiped from the map briefly by eFrance, wanted only revenge. We told our Spanish allies of the French wish for good relations but they were adamant and were not happy with our peace with eFrance. Since it was clear that eItaly would support eFrance a great chance was lost to bring these nations to our side.

The Second Chance

Later, after eFrance had been wiped off the map and was just beginning to return a second opportunity presented itself to solve the eFrance problem. The 'Armistice' talks were opened. The aim of these talks was an Eden/Entente agreement but the key was deal between Spain and Poland on the one side and eFrance on the other. eCanada advised our allies to agree a rental arrangement for regions they wished to keep. Again eFrance was willing to comprimise and some of our allies seemed amenable. It is quite possible that our allies would still peacefuly hold these regions today had they listened then but the hotheads again won the day demanding impossible payments for the release of various regions. Another great chance was lost for Franco-Italian support.


As I explained in A above it has been eCanadas consistent policy to seek a solution for our allies and for eFrance in order that eCanada does not face a threat from the West. This strategy has been the underlying basis of all our efforts regarding eFrance and eItaly and if just one of our efforts had succeeded the threat from the west would be minimal today and France may well be our allies now and even have helped with other European matters. The policy devoloped over time and has never been written down like this but this was never needed.

C. Today.

Eden today comes fresh from a historic victory in Heliongjiang, which as noted above reduces somewhat the threat to eCanada. So now we attack eFrance? Why? 3 possible answers:
1. To win: I see all the articles "eCanada can into eFrance" and laugh. Sure! Where eSpain and ePoland together cannot hold it we shall conquer all!!!! Get real guys! No this is not going to happen, sorry.
2. Derek Harlands election promise: Possible reason but Derek says Eden asked him... and they care not about his election promises.
3. I think Moffington speaks closer to the truth of the Eden request when he says: "All the damage that is been used against us in this war is helping win battles in other parts of the world."

In other words eCanada has reopened the Western attack path again to draw damage for Eden and maybe because of an election promise! Great strategic thinking and honour has eCanada! Yes I know everyone wanted a war, you might want to eat nothing but McDonalds but it doesn't mean it's good for you. With the price of gifts and weapons rising recently it will be expensive. Will eFrance attack us? Very unlikely in the near future given that we have 9 MPPs. The choices in the near future are: Pay to keep our MPPs or make peace. Either way this is a silly war.

D. Honour.

I do not blame Derek Harland for attacking eFrance; it is for Congress and the President to decide. My view is clear and Derek knew it and has apologised to me privately. eFrance is NOT Phoenix, though they have over time come to rely on them due to our own mistakes.

“He has honor if he holds himself to an ideal of conduct though it is inconvenient, unprofitable, or dangerous to do so.” I have consistently argued for the closing of the 'Western Door' to eCanada and if possible rapprochment between eFrance and our allies. Am I a Francophile? In real life perhaps... love the food and the wine, the cafes... yes maybe. In game though an 'eCanadophile' has a duty to point out the fallacy of policy where one sees it and stand on ones Honour. This war against eFrance is dangerous to eCanada and contrary to all recent eCanadian Foreign Policy and I have no honourable choice but to offer my resignation as MoFa with immeadiate effect.

UPDATE: The President refused my resignation and classified talks have taken place.