MoFa News and War Analysis

Day 892, 00:09 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
A.The Department.

Once again I am served by superb Staff who no doubt will soon be after my job! Jelly is a former President of eIndia on hand and so he has some experience, always handy for advice and an Asian expert above all others. M.H.Augustus shows, imo, great strategic insight and is one to watch on the planning front, he advises and reminds well! The new Secretary for Ambassadors, KyleDr, has continued the wonders M.H.Aurelius did there and built on his achievements. Many old Ambassadors have been cleared out and the MoFa welcomes and thanks all new Ambassadors. Remember guys that you carry eCanada’s Honour with you! We have every faith in the superb job all Ambassadors do.

B. The State of eCanada.

As MoFa I shall not comment personally on the Longsword Rebellion. As a Minister I regret the division it has caused but the President has handled it well. Yes Derek Harland has not brought the war he promised.... what does this say? In my opinion this makes him a wise and true Stateman. A pointless war we can only lose when we know all hell is about to break loose? Wise is our President, sometimes doing nothing is the best course! To sacrifice one’s election pledges takes some doing but Derek had the guts to do what was needed and deserves respect.

C. The Diplomacy.

Well we did have a plan... until ePoland swapped through eSpain and declared war on eMexico. We still have a plan for a South American Conference and will not let this defeat us. Many times speaking and establishing relationships can save a lot of gold for MPPs and weapons... Our Brolliance relations continue apace and our Eden alliance and relations they know shall never fail. By and large diplomatically we are good. Other interesting diplomatic avenues open as I write, but for now they must remain classified.

D. WW5.

I shall try to give you as much as I can of the now 'de-classified' info:
This started when ePoland swapped through to Canaries and declared war on eMexico. It was a controversial step as some in eUSA felt threatened by this move. However, this offered Phoenix a front too many against ePoland and they pounced. They launched an RW in Canaries and piled MPPs onto Mexico, attacked Polish held Rhone Alps, Russia attacked Poland itself, RWs were launched and we were off...

To understand the next bits you need to understand the competing plans: Some time ago I became aware of an Eden plan called "World in Flames". This was basically a mass attack on eHungary. I have to say I didn't think much of this. The Phoenix plan seems to have started off as taking ePoland’s European regions but rapidly developed into a Russian invasion of China, becoming a further threat to eUSA, as eUSA held the high iron region of eUSA rented Karnataka. With eHungary, eSerbia and eRussia in Asia the future would be dim. Also for some time we had been speaking with eIndia and eAustralia about liberating Western Australia (high grain and high diamonds) from eIndonesia and Rajasthan (held by eSerbia and nearest threat to Karnataka).

So eRussia crossed ePoland and liberated Berlin, Rhone Alps was lost to Slovenia, Canaries were taken to Brazil who then attacked Spain in Andalucía, which they also took. Meanwhile, at this point the allied plans started to kick in. Eden launched the World in Flames plan and India retook Rajasthan... Spain then attacked Rhone Alps, while being attacked still, and retook it. This was significant due to the ePolish industry there, then eAustralia attacked and retook Western Australia, another highly significant victory. As progress was made into eHungary eChina liberated Jilin and even attacked Heliongjiang. Elsewhere, eGreece launched into Turkey and made quick gains as the Turkish allies were busy.

Russia then invaded eChina via Xianjiang and quickly made progress until it met eUSA in Tibet... They attacked eUSA in there and were firmly rebuffed. eUSA would later counterattack the Russians and take Qingai. Russia would then retake Jilin... but I am getting ahead of myself...

Meanwhile in eHungary, eRomania had moved into eBulgaria and eSerbia was attacking our allies in defense of eHungary. The significant battle here occurred though when eCroatia took the main region for eHungarian weapons companies. (Forgive me; the name of the region escapes me off hand). My Batphone rang! I should at this point explain that in my erep time I have slowly assembled a group of friends who are experts in strategy. One came to me (he shall remain anonymous) and pointed out the following:

1. Main eHun weapons region was taken.
2. eHuns were therefore low on weapons.
3. They were low on gold.
4. 6-7k Huns were behind enemy lines.

He suggested that Heliongjiang was now or never with a conjoined attack on Central Hungary. I spoke to various people in eCanadian Military and finally we got onto a member of Eden Command. They seemed interested and next we knew it was off! The video of the result is here: but I am sure you all know of the victory.

Since then it has been mostly us: Xianjiang was liberated from eRussia, two regions of eTurkey fell to eGreece Canaries, Pomerania and Andalucía are all retaken and the third battle of Jilin rages... In eHungary we hold our own despite a desperate attack by eItaly on eCroatia.


90% of the regions fought over have been virtually worthless. The eHun guns region was vital, though eUSA’s counterattack of eRussia was also important. The liberation of Western Australia is important because it will become a high titanium region. Phoenix may be short of these soon. The conquest of Hello Kitty (Heliongjiang), as even the admins note, may be 'game changing'. How can eHungary get back to Hello Kitty and all their industry? This cannot be in the foreseeable future. They will have to spend a lot of gold in eRussian high iron regions to recover from this loss to their industry. With their allies helping them in eHungary the outcome there is yet to be decided, but we expect more action in Asia to coincide with this. Other considerations will also play on their minds... our Ambassador reports that they in "shock"! Other Phoenix nations waver...