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Heavy metal rules the world...someday so will India : )



31 Dia 801, 05:07 Publicado em India India


Iran have decided to help India by saving our gold cost and have attacked balochistan 🙂 This lottery will now shift to North West frontier Province 🙂

We are in favour of liberating Pakistan and so I urge all Indians to
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[PRESIDENT] And so we will have Jharkhand back

21 Dia 800, 22:02 Publicado em India India

Hi guys,

As I had "promised" yesterday, this is the good news I wished to give!!!

The American President has been awesome and has immediately agreed to free Jharkhand at a moment's notice. This will help boost our economy and also

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[PRESIDENT] Thank you all my eIndian Brothers

12 Dia 800, 17:49 Publicado em India India

Hi guys,

Thank you all for coming back to eIndia and helping us with our war effort. It has been exciting to see our own guys land up the maximum damage in both the battles and a matter of great pride! 🙂

We have traditionally worried about

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[Indian President] Post Pakistan War Official Statement

17 Dia 800, 06:29 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

My dear Irish friends,

We thank you for your help in our battle against Pakistan. We have achieved tsome of the goals that we had wished for and have conquered pakistani territory. Our intentions have never been imperialistic and we will be true

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[Indian President] Thank you For Your help...what next now?

0 Dia 800, 06:26 Publicado em USA USA

Dear eAmericans and ST6 brothers,

We thank you for your help in our battle against Pakistan. We have achieved tsome of the goals that we had wished for and have conquered pakistani territory. Our intentions have never been imperialistic an we

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