[Indian President] Thank you For Your help...what next now?

Day 800, 06:26 Published in USA Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Dear eAmericans and ST6 brothers,

We thank you for your help in our battle against Pakistan. We have achieved tsome of the goals that we had wished for and have conquered pakistani territory. Our intentions have never been imperialistic an we will be true to our word. We shall be auctioning RW medals and will begin returning Pakistan regions under our occupation starting from tomorrow with Balochistan.

The poll for region return and the RW medal bids are being put up in our forums and once again we wish to thank you heartily for all you have done to help us. No doubt there shall be repeated battles between pakistan and India till we achieve our main objective and that is to have a thriving population in both our nations.

Salute to the US Armed Forces and our longtime friends - Seal team 6 - YOU GUYS ROCK!!!