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Heavy metal rules the world...someday so will India : )


[Presidential Report] MUST READ : Weekly Status Wrap on Important Issues

20 Dia 788, 22:21 Publicado em India India

Dear citizens and my brothers,

This article is to update all citizens on matters of importance. This is an objective rpeort and devoid of any propaganda (which I deeply dislike) I request all citizens to personally message me if they need any

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PP Elections Instructions Part 2

20 Dia 787, 00:33 Publicado em India India

Hi guys,

Here is the next part of the instructions...

1. All eIndians above level 7, please join a party (either India United or DPI)

2. In India United, the official candidate is Hepta and I would request you to

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PP Elections Instructions Part 1

13 Dia 786, 01:04 Publicado em India India

Dear citizens...

Another election, another battle 🙂 MAFIA have once again showed that they have no intention of actually changing colour by running or PP in every party other than the DPI. It is likely they could candidate from DPI as well, [

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Inviting Applications for IU Party President

8 Dia 785, 20:11 Publicado em India India

Fellow party members,

My term as party President is about to end and well, its been a reasonably eventful ride. I would however like a new, dynamic leader to come up and contest for Party President as I do not (as yet) share the same connect with

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Thank you for the Training War Mr. President :)

33 Dia 784, 05:10 Publicado em China China

A HUGE public thank you to the Chinese President - Tonystm from our side for going ahead with the Bihar Training war. Hope we can have this as often as possible. 🙂

best regards from eIndia people to our eChinese brothers 🙂


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