Day 801, 05:07 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Iran have decided to help India by saving our gold cost and have attacked balochistan 🙂 This lottery will now shift to North West frontier Province 🙂

We are in favour of liberating Pakistan and so I urge all Indians to fight and gain experience and enjoy a free battle and give back the region to Pakistan or if they like...try to win it. Either way, this should be fun!


and most importantly ... JAI HIND!!!!!!!!11

Hi guys,

Since the bids made as yet are very low and do not even cover the costs of the RW (65 gold) I am proceeding with having a lottery to make the medal accessible to all.

Thank you for the idea Seribural and Cockroach 🙂

The rules are very simple.:

1. This is open to all those living in eIndia, so you need to be in eindia.
2. You can only buy unlimited tickets. Each ticket is worth 1 gold and will have an individual number.
3. Only citizen accounts allowed.

What you need to do...

1. Donate 1 Gold to the Indian Government Bank ->http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1233947
2. VOTE for this article and post a comment below. Your comment number shall be your ticket number.


We have now allowed for unlimited tickets at the behest of a few citizens as we need to get the bids in and done with asap. So guys please buy as many as you would like. Thank you!

We will wait till 19:10 eRep time (today) to see if the base cost has been met with the donations. (12 hours from now EXACT) If the base costs have still not been met, the money will be refunded and we will invite bids from citizens all around the world to buy it @ 70 gold.

Final list of approved donations will be indicated in an article at 19:10 eRep time EXACT and the draw will happen within 5 minutes after that if the base price is met. Those disqualified (multis most likely) will have their gold returned to them and will NOT be on the list.

We do not yet have a transparent method of proving that the result that we decide is 100% fair and bias free but this is my personal word of honour as the President and I will be choosing the winner off a random number generator.

If the winner wishes, he can award his medal to anyone else he desires but that person also has to be online at the same time to begin the RW. (This is valid also if the winner is of low level)

Pakistan are without a nation and we must return their region to them at the earliest so I hope everyone will participate with enthusiasm and get the RW started today itself.

VERY IMP : We are aware of "multi" accounts and while it might be good for the nation's kitty, those who indulge in such cheap practices, will be disqualified.

Let us not over complicate things by too many other rules...lets please get this show on the road!

Thank you all and best of luck!!!