[PRESIDENT] And so we will have Jharkhand back

Day 800, 22:02 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Hi guys,

As I had "promised" yesterday, this is the good news I wished to give!!!

The American President has been awesome and has immediately agreed to free Jharkhand at a moment's notice. This will help boost our economy and also get in more jobs as well as citizens. This will open up yet another avenue for commerce as it will enable us to make cheap hospitals, houses and defence systems. I hope this is just the beginning of our resurrection and will lead on to greater things!

As Sydiot mentioned in his article ... no thanks for stealing my thunder! 😉 ... The Karnataka deal will be finalised next week and we should start having a reasonably healthy treasury...enough to keep the war machine running I hope!

I would like to thank the American President Jewitt for making good on his promise and strengthening the bonds between us. SALUTE!

Let us hope the negotiations for Karnataka are also conducted in the same spirit and are mutually beneficial 🙂

This ends my update of another "promise" kept...now onto the next one!