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Heavy metal rules the world...someday so will India : )


Welcome back Pakistan!

15 Dia 803, 06:11 Publicado em India India

Dear all,

As we had stated before, we had no desire to hold onto pakistani lands and we have kept our promise. Within 2 days of wiping out Pakistan, we have returned the nation back to them. .

We had thought that Iran would be a true helper of

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India - the Resurrection!!!

69 Dia 802, 10:50 Publicado em India India

India has been a very dull place since a while...

It was time for a change and change we have.

This is the beginning of the resurrection. We are going forward strongly,

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[PRESIDENT] Let Us Give Pakistan Back! FIGHT RED!

16 Dia 802, 08:57 Publicado em India India

Dear citizens,

We have completed what we wishes to do by punishing Pakistan for letting Serbia come to our borders without our consent. The wheel has come full circle and contrary to nonsense propaganda, we will do what we had always said we

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18 Dia 801, 22:43 Publicado em India India

Hi all,

Please note down your numbers as per the RANDOMISED list below :


1. hsr sr
2. Swathikrishnan
3. Samarth12345
4. Swathikrishnan
5. hsr sr
6. AmitChalke
7. hsr sr
8. Ratan Tata

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Balochistan - Thank you Iran :)

10 Dia 801, 06:24 Publicado em India India

Hi guys,

Iran have decided to save our gold by attacking balochistan. let us enjoy a free battle and le the result be decided on its own!!!

Fight in the battle and have fun guys!!! regain full wellness!!!!

If Iran win it, they will have

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