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Newspaper for the weebs degenerates

League Of Malaysia Businessmen(LOMB)

13 hari ke 965, 08:18 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

League Of Malaysia Businessmen (LOMB)

I hereby declare that on this day is the day that LOMB is founded.Below I will describe in more details what LOMB is all about although most of you already know what it is just by reading the … baca lebih lanjut »

Something To Help Other[Update]

9 hari ke 963, 09:40 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

UPDATE!!! The program provided seems to have bugs.Please download using the link provided by Brother Hood in this article comment.

Hello everyone!!! It seems eMalaysia media die again.Well I will try to write as many article as I could for your

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A New Hope[Yeah I Stole It From Star War IV]

14 hari ke 962, 21:13 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

As the old world die a new world rise.We left the old world with huge economic depression and we move forward to the new world with high hopes in our economic will get back on its feet and here today I will be a part of this struggle to make this

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Story Time Kids!!!{FUN & LULZ} eN.Corea Edition

2 hari ke 958, 08:56 Diterbitkan di North Korea North Korea


Come and gather around Grandpa Noveras kids.Today I have a great story to tell.It is the story of good vs evil,betrayal and friendship.

[img][/img] … baca lebih lanjut »

Story Time Kids!!!{FUN & LULZ} ePinoy Edition

2 hari ke 958, 08:50 Diterbitkan di Philippines Philippines


Come and gather around Grandpa Noveras kids.Today I have a great story to tell.It is the story of good vs evil,betrayal and friendship.

[img][/img] … baca lebih lanjut »