League Of Malaysia Businessmen(LOMB)

Day 965, 08:18 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras
League Of Malaysia Businessmen (LOMB)

I hereby declare that on this day is the day that LOMB is founded.Below I will describe in more details what LOMB is all about although most of you already know what it is just by reading the name but I will give more details on what LOMB is all about.

???What Is LOMB???

Well first of all to prevent future mistake from happening I would like to stress out that our official name is League Of Malaysia Businessmen or LOMB not L"A"MB.

This Is Us LOMB

This Is Not Us LAMB

LOMB can be easily describe as an organization where we want to unite all Malaysia businessmen under one large organization for the nation and their best interest.

???Why We Need LOMB???

As we can see in V1 there are no unity in term between businessmen in Malaysia thus pretty much leads to an almost disaster consequences to eMalaysia market such as this article that I wrote a few months ago.

In V2 we can see that with the new economic module companies are facing problems in not just selling their products but also manufacturing them.Many company have to be closed to prevent further loses thus creating high unemployment rate among Malaysia population.

We at LOMB believe this problems can be reduce or be completely solve if we are able to unite all Malaysia businessmen in one direction and aim.We believe unity is strength.

???What Is Our Aim???

1] To unite unite all Malaysia businessmen under one large organization for the nation and their best interest.

2] To become the voice in the government on the behalf of Malaysia businessmen overall.

3] To create a healthy and thriving environment for Malaysia businessmen so that they can compete with each others and making profits at the same time.

4] To stabilize the price of products especially raw materials in Malaysia market.


Currently this is still in the planning stage and I'm the only person who is making this thing but I do get great respond from influential businessmen in Malaysia.Currently I am working on our own forum which I hope will be lunched in a few days time.

I am being realistic about this project of mine.I know for this to actually work I have like 30% in confident it will work but I will still go on.Now LOMB is a private organization(still don't have an actual org) and I doubt that it will succeed without the government help.

So I would like for the government to help LOMB because by helping LOMB the government is helping Malaysia economy.I am suggesting that LOMB should be put under Ministry Of Commerce.I know MoC is just a sort of a joke because it don't really have any function so now is the time for it to start functioning.

For those who wanted to join please send me PM with this details

1] Your name

2] Your company/companies & org name

3] The location of your company/companies

4] The type of your company/companies

Yours Truly

Noveras "The Rebel"