Something To Help Other[Update]

Day 963, 09:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

UPDATE!!! The program provided seems to have bugs.Please download using the link provided by Brother Hood in this article comment.

Hello everyone!!! It seems eMalaysia media die again.Well I will try to write as many article as I could for your entertainment.Well today I want to help you guys in maintaining your wellness and happiness so here I go......

???Feeling Sad Recently???


???Feeling Sick Lately???

???And You Don't Know What's Going On???

Well I have an answer for you.Introducing the best and the only wellness/happiness calculator for V2 !!! This program was created by Brother Hood

With this program you can know what type of food you should eat and how many hours of work/train/study/leisure you should spend in a day so that you can make sure both of your happiness and wellness on the positive trend. You can download this program in less than a minute by following this address Erep V2

If you still have any problem in using this program please refer to this original article made by Brother Hood.Till than,please spread the words,please vote & subscribe 😁

P.S : I've already asked Brother Hood for his permission

Yours Truly

Noveras "The Rebel"