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Newspaper for the weebs degenerates

My Broken Heart

5 hari ke 983, 09:41 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

Hello there again eMalaysia.
Well here I am...........still in eMalaysia, stuck in the battlefield by a bug. It says that I'm still deployed in the battlefield and I guess it is the Sabah battlefield because after I click retreat

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A Farewell Letter For The Nation I Love

31 hari ke 980, 03:36 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

I once said

"The day Dioism became the official religion of eMalaysia is the day I'm either gonna quit this game or move to another country."

I am the man of my word and I will uphold the oath I made a few months ago. As you know

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I'm Really Flattered But Seriously???

7 hari ke 976, 21:16 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

Yesterday I post an article with the title "The Best Article Yet" and basically I didn't actually write anything.I just posted a picture that says " Don'

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The Best Article Yet!!!

6 hari ke 975, 08:59 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

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Some People Never Learn From The Mistake Of The Past [UPDATE]

8 hari ke 973, 04:33 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

"Those Who Forget History Will Repeat The Same Mistake From The Past"

: Malaysia High School History Book

I still remember that

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