Story Time Kids!!!{FUN & LULZ} ePinoy Edition

Day 958, 08:50 Published in Philippines Malaysia by Noveras

Come and gather around Grandpa Noveras kids.Today I have a great story to tell.It is the story of good vs evil,betrayal and friendship.

No eyex3,it is not the Lord Of The Ring.This story is about a group of shoes who try to conquer the world.The story is called

"Those Shoes"

A long time ago in a our country,thing was great and happy.Back than grandpa Noveras and grandpa CDV is still a young lads like you all while grandpa Mansour is still in his home country eIran while great grand Nicholas,Vikta and Nagyzee.........well they already old back than anyway eMalaysia was a peaceful place except a few failed raid by eIndo.We live in harmony and we never fought with each others except during election time of course.

We are very kind and very generous to foreigners.One day a little shoe come to visit this country.He stay for sometime and in the end he decided to stay for good.We are happy to welcome him to our loving and small family.We gave our trust to him and at first everything was good.

The little shoes decided to invite a couple of his friends from his original country,Ghaybian.Well at first we thought to our self,"The more the merrier right?" well we make a big mistakes by thinking that way.

You can see the whole smelly family of shoes here

A few months past since the little shoe came to our country.At that time we notice that more and more of our kids and sometimes the elder are going missing but it seems the numbers of shoe family are increasing.One day suddenly when the shoes thinks they are strong enough they showed us their true color.They try to rob us so many times but they failed until recently where they succeed.

We all were betrayed by them.We welcome them as family but in return they try to take over our country.We thought they have an angle heart but it seems we were wrong,they have the heart of a devil.

Their true form of heart

Right now the war have been wage for a long time.I and the others grew old and tired of fighting this backstabbers.Many of us have given up our life for this struggle and weird enough some refuse to die like Mansour.I wonder if he use black magic or something.

Now it is up to you,the young generation to continue our struggle.They have create a strong foot hold in this country.They give candies of lies to our young generation hopping that a new generation of traitors will be borm.It broken my heart to see traitors like "Helmi Zero" to fight along side with the shoes......

The true face of the shoe leader.


Yours Truly
Grandpa Noveras"The Old Rebel"