A New Hope[Yeah I Stole It From Star War IV]

Day 962, 21:13 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

As the old world die a new world rise.We left the old world with huge economic depression and we move forward to the new world with high hopes in our economic will get back on its feet and here today I will be a part of this struggle to make this dream a reality.

Mansour Reaction During V1 Great Dipression

On V1 we seem many company closed down because they can't make any profits anymore and one of those company is mine, "Ukhuwah Halal Sdn Bhd" a Q2 Food company with license to eMalaysia,ePeru and eJapan.Who would ever guess a company that can make 2 Gold clean profit a day have to be shut down eh.Well I felt bad for my workers because I can't take care of them anymore.

Wingman Hamalle & Buntak Dayung Bluesavvy Carrying The Sign As Part Time Job

With the arriving of the new world many company owner decided to close down their company because of the new salary system which leads to mass unemployment among eMalaysian.Well now I have a solution for you.

???Having Problems In Paying Your Taxes & Bills???

???Tired Of Waiting On The Long Line In Unemployment Office???

!!!Well Here A Solution For You!!!


!!!Ukhuwah Halal Sdn Bhd!!!

We Provide Jobs For High Skill Worker In Food Manufacture

Open Positions For Producer

3 Master : MYR 1.50 Per Hour

2 Expert : MYR 1.25 Per Hour

Open Positions For Marketing Manager

3 Master : MYR 1.50 Per Hour

2 Expert : MYR 1.25 Per Hour


General Manager Of Ukhuwah Halal Sdn Bhd

Noveras "The Rebel"