A Farewell Letter For The Nation I Love

Day 980, 03:36 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

I once said

"The day Dioism became the official religion of eMalaysia is the day I'm either gonna quit this game or move to another country."

I am the man of my word and I will uphold the oath I made a few months ago. As you know many people bash me for bringing RL matter in this game in my article &quot😉o Not Sell Your Soul For A Game". At the same time I also got many supports from prominent and active RL and non RL Malaysian players.

Before this I never like any type of eReligion because as a Muslim I know no matter where I go I must keep my faith and there is no such thing as "Owh this is just a game" as a Muslim. Even thou I oppose any kind of eReligion I never oppose anyone who wanted to "convert" to any eReligion and the prove is I never attacked Djozikeist Church of Malaysia or even Dioism before this. I started to openly attacked Dioism when they started a campaign to convert eMalaysia as a Dio nation.

Why I Oppose Dioism

There are a few reason why I oppose Dioism

1) Dioism is a direct insults to my RL religion and the religion of the books.

2) I've seen what happened to a nation that converted into Dioism.

Basically I will oppose any sort of attempt to make any kind of eReligion as a state religion because I know the problems that will occur not just to a devoted Muslim like me but also to non Muslim for example pantherthug89 and AJ Johnson.

The Hypocrisy Of Dio Follower(Hypocrisy Sound Like Hypnotoad 😛)

I always get comment like this from Dio followers


Well the thing is I never force people to not play the game as I want. Even in my article I said

"I’ve completed my duty as a Muslim to lead you onto the right path but it is up to you to decide which road you are taking, giving up your believe and principal as a Muslim for the sake of a game or become a true Muslim. It is up to you."

Yeah I said "It is up to you" and my article specifically said about RL Muslim and not everyone. The Dio follower always scream to people like me to stop forcing people to follow what I want and this is just a game. Now I will show you the hypocrisy of Dio follower :-

1. The majority of eMalaysian do not want a state religion and yet they still forcing us to convert the nation. The people of eMalaysia have shown what they want just by looking at this two article votes

a. Do Not Sell Your Soul For The Sake Of A Game!!! (39 votes only 3 votes from foreigners)

b. Dioism in eMalaysia (32 votes and most of the vote from PTOer and foreigners)

2. Dio followers keep asking other and I to respect their believe but they do not respect our believes.

3. Dio followers speak of RL religion to us as if they know more about our religion than we are when in RL they are not even the same RL religion as some of us.

The Weak President

Basically the whole Dio stuff happened because of our weak Mr/Ms President Spykerman want to get back to me for criticizing him/her. The president have no balls to confront me so he/her basically use this tactic to hurt and get me angry.

Before this I have no quarrel with Spykerman. I respect him/her as my comrade in DPP, The whole thing happened when he/she decided that he/she will become both CP and MoF. There are a lot other people who can do the MoF work other than him/her. After I question his/her action on this he/she started to show disrespect towards me and my beloved party,Pakatan Rakyat and I don't take this kind of attitude in a game or in RL lightly.

Basically Spykerman made the nation account like his/her private account. He/she decided that he/she can handle this country by his/her own and never discuss with anyone including the conversion of eMalaysia to Dioism. He/she also make ridiculous proposal with out thinking of the sequences in term of future relationship with other nation and small time businessmen. For me Spykerman is the worst president eMalaysia ever had since I was eBorn.

Will I Ever Return?

Many people have been asking me to stay and help this country but as I said before I am a man of my words. I will only return when a President make an official announcement to renounce Dio as the state religion and this nation stays as an eSecular country.

I never wanted to leave this country because this is my RL birth place and my eBirth place but I am forced to do so. I love my RL life principal more than a game. Most people may find it is hard to understand my actions and may also see me as a lunatic but you have to be in my shoes to understand my actions.

Yes I admit I am not a good politician,even my late "Guru" Jonny Tan(may he rest in peace) once said "You don't have a soul of a politician but you do have a soul of a warrior" and I have to agreed with him which is my no matter what happened I will never give up and will keep on fighting.


Yours Truly

Noveras "The Rebel"

P.S : "And The Flag Of Liberty Fell Because One Person Is Crazy While The Other One Is Stupid"