Some People Never Learn From The Mistake Of The Past [UPDATE]

Day 973, 04:33 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

"Those Who Forget History Will Repeat The Same Mistake From The Past"

: Malaysia High School History Book

I still remember that quote in one of Malaysia high school history book.I read that quote when I was 14 years old and I still remember it because I will always remind my self and others to never repeat the mistake made by others in the past or even mistakes that I've made my self in the past.

A few weeks ago,when CDV term of Presidency is nearing its end he made a lulz proposal the start embargoing ePhilippines. He made the proposal a few time and always it was rejected until one day the proposal was passed which cost some businessmen from both country to lose their source of income.

CDV knew that he made the mistakes and being a gentleman he took all the responsibility of this misfortune to both nation and because of that I applause him.

This past 2 days our current President, Mr(Mrs???) Spykerman decided to make a few lulz proposal.At first he decided that he will make a proposal embargoing eNorth Korea and I say hmmmm ok we have nothing to lose there except eUSA might get angry with us and the second proposal he made are to embargo eAustralia and this time I say !!!WTF!!!

Many eMalaysian businessmen invested in eAustralia and that goes for eAustralian businessmen who also invested in eMalaysia.If the proposal get passed it would ruin many companies and thus reducing the nation income from taxes.

Right now eMalaysian congressmen out numbered the PTOer but just look at this proposal.

6 Yes No and 7 Voted No.That is only a 1 vote advantage.After I saw this I was horrified and I decided to post in shout this massage "Stop Making Stupid Embargo Proposal Mr President Or The Same Thing With ePhi Will Happen Again" and you can see his reply below

Yeah that what CDV thought when he made the embargo proposal against ePhilippines or do I have to remind you that what happened to our MYR 9000 that was stole by eSerbs because of "We suppose to have more people in congress rather than eSerbs"???

Mr President,have you ever thought for a second the possibilities that 3 - 5 of our congressmen can't either log in for the whole day, didn't notice the proposal or even too inactive to actually know they should vote against this proposal?

Those who forget history will repeat the same mistake from the past and clearly Mr President have forgotten this country history.I wrote this article not to make the President look bad but to remind him the responsibility he is holding.This is a game but you have to remember some people invested RL money in this game to open up their companies and if trade stop between nation their hard earn RL money will also be lost.

EDIT : For those who still can't see the big picture here than let me summaries the whole thing.I'm talking about the small businessmen here.If embargo take place the country it self will not feel any difference but the small businessmen will feel the difference.They will have a useless export license worth 20 Gold.

P.S : I know I've said in the last article I won't write another article for some time but I think I need to say this for the good of the country.

Yours Truly

Noveras "The Rebel"