My Broken Heart

Day 983, 09:41 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

Hello there again eMalaysia.
Well here I am...........still in eMalaysia, stuck in the battlefield by a bug. It says that I'm still deployed in the battlefield and I guess it is the Sabah battlefield because after I click retreat button amazingly a headless chicken appear.Awwwwww...........magnificent isn't it??? Well now I have to wait till Sabah got attack again and I can retreat. For now I'm just a 2 clickers zombie.

Anyway, I'm bored and I found out that writing in eRepublik can really make me happy for a while and release the stress. I'm having a lot of stress lately because of RL matter >_> Well I'm not gonna make an economic or political article today, I pretty much retired on those thing now I'm just wanna share my RL experience on dealing with being dump by the person you love. Yeah I know there are you guys who are more experiance on this thing but I just wanna share something that I think can help people out there 😁.

"You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it."

The Sign You Going To Be Dumped

Based on my personnel experience there are no such thing such as "I got dumped out of the blue". There always a sign that your relationship gonna end. Here are the signs that you going to get dumped

1) The Fights (Optional)

I put optional because it is not necessary to start with fights but most relationship will end because of fights. If your are always having fights with your partner than be ready.

2) The Change In Attitude

This is something that probably will happen to 99% of people in this earth. If you find your partner suddenly have an attitude adjustment with out any clear reasons such as problems at work or family than he/she might be thinking to dumped you.

3) Ignoring You

Well this can be consider as part of "the change in attitude" thinggy. I stressed this part because when this happen than the probability for you to be dumped is high. The reason is because when a person wanted to end a relationship they will start with distancing them self from you.

D-day, How You Should Prepare For It

You can never be sure when you gonna be dumped or you will actually be dumped at all but if you notice all the above symptoms than you should be ready for the day you gonna be dumped. I've been dumped a few time before because the girls either go for a better looking guy or guy with fatter pocket and I felt like shit every time that happened but I've develop a way to also make the girl feel shitty too hehehehehehehe

1) To make the person who is dumping you also feel shitty you must be ready for the &quot😉-day" all the time and when the day come you must be strong for a few minutes and after that you can cry like babies (guys don't worry,crying does help.It make you feel better.I cried before because of a woman 😁)

2) Guys usually dumped their girl using text msg or e-mail (not a gentlemen at all ) while girls prefer face to face dumping(make the guy feel like killing her). Ok now when the person is dumping you, you must be very strong. Summon all your courage and when the word pop up you can say this

a. "Owh ok.Well if you say so"

b. "Yeah sure why not"

c. "Finally!!!Thank god I'm so happy we are breaking up" (I really like this one XD)

Those are the few thing you can say to your partner or should I say ex partner. When you seems like you don't care or even delighted with the break up than you make your now ex partner feel shitty because of his/her ego.It is fun playing with someone ego.I works like a charm for me every time.

The Healing Time

So now is the time you to cry like a baby. Most people rather get drunk or smoke 4 - 5 box of cigarette after a break up rather than cry because of their ego. Crying is the best way to release all the pain you are having after the break up.

You cry as much as you wanted too until you feel find and the pain have been reduce to a level where you can continue your life. So lowered your ego,call a close friend of family and cry. A good friend will understand your condition and not look down on you. When it comes to healing a broken heart only time is the cure.It may take a few weeks or even years but finally you will be healed.

Don't Lose Your Dignity

"I rather die standing than live keeling"

:- Unknown Author

Dignity is one of the most important thing. A person with no dignity is the same as a dead person.No one can take your dignity,only you can do that.Sometimes when we really in love with someone we will do anything to get that person back but there is no use in wasting your energy,time and emotions for someone who doesn't want you anymore.

The way I overcome this problem is to always think positive. I always think that why should I wasted my emotions on someone who doesn't want me anymore. Why should I wasted more tears to that person when he/she is happy with someone else". This always help me so I hope it will help you too.

End Words

My life philosophy is "life is simple, we make it complicated". Facing break up is not easy but we have a choice to make it as less painful as it can or you can complicate thing and live in the past. It is entirely up to you. So I hope my experience can help you guys who are facing this problem.

Your Truly

Noveras "The Rebel"