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Help Malaysia By Not Fighting!!!

8 hari ke 994, 18:06 Diterbitkan di China China

As you all know on the last congress election eMalaysia have been PTOed by a group of Serbian.To prevent the total PTO eMalaysia have gave its regions to ePhilippines but ePhilippines failed to capture the last region which is Peninsular Malaysia.

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Help Malaysia By Not Fighting!!!

18 hari ke 994, 18:04 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

As you all know on the last congress election eMalaysia have been PTOed by a group of Serbian.To prevent the total PTO eMalaysia have gave its regions to ePhilippines but ePhilippines failed to capture the last region which is Peninsular Malaysia.

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Job Offers To Help eMalaysian

13 hari ke 993, 16:00 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

Ok it is 6 am in the morning.My girlfriend just got admitted in the hospital and the doctor says her kidney is having some problems and I just can't sleep now worrying about her so you guys please pray for her.

Job Offer From Ukhuwah Halal Sdn

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A Dissapointed RL Malaysian

27 hari ke 991, 05:20 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

On this 31 st of August 2010 is the 53rd RL Malaysia gain her independence after being oppressed for more than 500 years by four foreign powers. Yesterday on the 6th of August in the year of 2010 eMalaysia lose its independence to foreign power

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How More Unintelligent You Can Be Mr/Ms President???

20 hari ke 983, 20:01 Diterbitkan di Malaysia Malaysia

So basically we have seen a few trade embargo proposal that was passed and most of them are denied and no discussion are being made before the proposal are made. All of this proposal are made by our own Mr/Ms President Spykerman.Here is the reason

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