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Rebuttals and propaganda for an everlasting elite.

22 1,824 jour, 16:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

eUK has recently experienced the highest peak in elite nervousness
since its inception.

There's so much political tension in the air, you could properly
supply a couple of light bulbs out of electrostatic tension.

Given the merciful and

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Rank 29

7 1,814 jour, 15:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Yes, we rank 29.
To fully acknowledge what this means, just look who is ranking 31: Peru.
Yeah, that's our league.

Congratulations to whoever has run this country for so long and so often,...
guess who ?
One clue, they have a crow in their

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Xeroccona followup.

3 1,813 jour, 15:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Source :

- Venezuela and Spain are allies, Venezuela gives away Guayana and NorthEastern Venezuela.

- Spain

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New Era: The F-party.

17 1,809 jour, 16:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

New Era could be resumed in the 5 Fs:

- Fun: we believe this is game, everybody deserves to play at it, to join our nation (as long as he's not a clear THREAT). We ALL want to play at fight, at parliament, government, diplomacy (lots of them,

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Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus

4 1,808 jour, 13:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

I have several articles in mind, but I chose this one to write, because
exemplifies my personal preferences and much of the spirit I can
find in New Era.

First, there's a a large excerpt of Titus Livius' Annals, a book that
should be read

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