New Era: The F-party.

Day 1,809, 16:25 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

New Era could be resumed in the 5 Fs:

- Fun: we believe this is game, everybody deserves to play at it, to join our nation (as long as he's not a clear THREAT). We ALL want to play at fight, at parliament, government, diplomacy (lots of them, unbiased), finances... Government is game and we want to play at it.

- Fairness: We thing nobody has special rights over others: No kings, no crazy moderators, no divine inspired Citizenship grants. We believe in WRITTEN RULES and fairness for all.

- Fight: We fight actively (British Army, ex Bulldogs) and we like to fight, we eventually earn true patriot medals and we aim ( and teach to) to win battle hero medals.

- Fuss: We provoke fuss and havoc among the Sacred Cows of this country. We are proud of it.

- Foolishness: We like fools from other parties to release their own foolishness, and express freely as they really are. Every party has its share of foolishness. ( I guess in New Era too, although it has not manifested yet).

- Ducking goo😛 Yes, New Era is a Ducking good party: Quack, quack, quack,... We intend to Duck all over the place till we CLEAN this country. Others go tomatoing, we go DUCKING. Yes, I know that Ducking has no F, but ... who cares ?