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Aprendizaje del juego. Game Learning.

Actual supporting of new players: writers

15 1,860 jour, 15:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Supporting new players: supporting valuable writers

Supporting valuable writers

One of the points of New Era is new players. But, I'd say we don't
care only about new players of OUR party, but

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De natura eRepublica

13 1,860 jour, 05:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

De natura eRepublica

De natura eRepublica ( of the nature of eRepublik)

This is a game, obviously ( well, not so obvious for so many people
who *need* this game as a dose of Real Life self-esteem)

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Low taxes explained

13 1,847 jour, 15:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Low taxes explained

A long and mischievous curse seems to have been set on taxes discussion.
Few articles dare to explain tax by tax which are the pros and cons of raising or lowering them.
I'll try here and now.

Import taxes.
What means a

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In applebem

10 1,845 jour, 16:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

In appleblem

(I've taken applebis,is (third decleansion), the title is something
like "against appleby" in Latin)

This article is a critical analysis of Appleby's article.
First the entire

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Answer to the Cheetah's answer to Goku's article

15 1,831 jour, 14:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Cheetah in bold, Me underlined, Goku's original in normal type.

Point 1

1) The Government should organise the whole UK community into fighting at roughly the same times every day, so that we have fun together and have a bigger effect on

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