Rank 29

Day 1,814, 15:08 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Yes, we rank 29.
To fully acknowledge what this means, just look who is ranking 31: Peru.
Yeah, that's our league.

Congratulations to whoever has run this country for so long and so often,...
guess who ?
One clue, they have a crow in their logo.

Rank 29 is a figure, a fact, undeniable, as much as the long (and boring)
and negative influence of the unbearable elite that we can encounter over
and over again, the likes of Kravenn, Talon, Keers,... ( over and over, over and over,...)

Please, "elite", get out of sight! get lost! Let other people try to rank a decent 15th or 19th position. is it so difficult ?