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Aprendizaje del juego. Game Learning.

A good but bad government

6 1,792 jour, 15:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Yes, misled, biased? true? We have a good bad government, or, in other
words, a bad government which resembles a good government, but that's,
in fact, a bad government. But on the other hand, it's a not too bad

Let's start at the

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Fun is not fault of admins

5 1,792 jour, 13:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

It has become a kind of fashion to blame on admins on how bore the game is.
I disagree. It's true that the game should be improved and some "inflation" should be pumped into the system. But we have, here at eUK, how bore things can become.


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Fandango(flamenco) classes: Today El Cabrero

2 1,788 jour, 07:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

As it's usual in this newspaper, we can provide with
the most unexpected pieces of news.
Today, fandango class under the great master "El Cabrero"
(The Goatherd), one of the best fandango singers.

This is the link:

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Open call to create expert policymakers board.

5 1,786 jour, 15:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Maybe, you may have noticed that the raw force of numbers of vote doesn't
imply a good government, necessarily. You may have noticed that month after month the same faces ( and masks ) are there. But, if you're unlucky enough to realize it, eUK is

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War horizon: USA-Poland

5 1,786 jour, 15:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Following the opinion of Xeroccona ( a reputed spanish analyst):

An ultimatum has been given to Poland by USA.

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