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2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 29 September, Tuesday

10 679 jour, 05:14 Published in USA USA

The word of the day is "initiative"!

Again, no battles in North America. No attacks on USA or Canada regions, and no attacks by USA or Canada. But our allies still need us and we can still fight!

PEACE is still active with Russia

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2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 28 September, Monday

10 678 jour, 05:35 Published in USA USA

All is quiet on the western front! And the eastern. And the southern. And the northern! In fact, I can't find a single battle in North America (well, some druggie gang-bangers are having it out in Annandale VA, but those guys don't even use guns).

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2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 27 September, Sunday

9 677 jour, 14:13 Published in USA USA

2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 27 September, Sunday
Special afternoon edition

We now have a Q5 hospital in California, and citizens are flooding to the west coast; up to 2452

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2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 25 September, Friday

8 675 jour, 05:39 Published in USA USA

Congressional Elections!!!

A couple of my readers asked me if I planned to endorse candidates for office. Early on in my time in eAmerica, I read some articles by Astra Kat G, where

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2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 24 September, Thursday

10 674 jour, 06:32 Published in USA USA

Victory is at hand!!!!

The champagne is bubbling and all readers of the 2-clicker must surely be spicing our coffee with something ... a little Kentucky bourbon perhaps?

Let's see, where are we? Indonesia is out of North America. Portugal is

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