2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 29 September, Tuesday

Day 679, 05:14 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word of the day is "initiative"!

Again, no battles in North America. No attacks on USA or Canada regions, and no attacks by USA or Canada. But our allies still need us and we can still fight!

PEACE is still active with Russia attacking our staunch ally Norway! Yesterday, despite the efforts of me and many other 2-clickers, Russia was able to conquer Trondelag and Svalbard & Jan Mayen in Norway. The eUK has also declared war on Norway. We are allies with Norway, so we can fight against Russia and UK without moving. One difficulty Norway has is its limited allies in this war: USA, Spain, Sweden and Greece. On the other hand, Russia has the full support of PEACE. It will be hard for "half-EDEN" to win in Norway with the numbers stacked against us.

Early this morning (while I was drafting this message), Sweden attacked Trondelag. Neither have allies (MPPs) activated in this war, but from my understanding, this will prevent Russia from attacking further Norwegian territories.

A small bug in the game makes things a little more difficult for us 2-clickers. The wars list often lies: It sometimes shows "no active battles" when there are and "1 active battle" when there are none. We have to keep clicking through to the "details" to be sure. If you want to fight and help our allies (don't we all!?!) then listen to the DoD Battle Orders or check here.