2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 24 September, Thursday

Day 674, 06:32 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

Victory is at hand!!!!

The champagne is bubbling and all readers of the 2-clicker must surely be spicing our coffee with something ... a little Kentucky bourbon perhaps?

Let's see, where are we? Indonesia is out of North America. Portugal is out of North America. Iran is out of North America. Colombia is out of North America. Russia and France are almost out of North America! In fact, The USA is now back up to 46 states, with only New Jersey held by Russia (for about 5 more hours!), Maryland held by France (for about 7 more hours), DC held by France (until we want it), and Washington state and Alaska held by Hungary. NJ and MD are deep into the underground, so the DoD Battle Orders tell us not to even bother.

Yesterday, Hungarian citizens began resistance wars in North Dakota and Montana to return those states to the USA. Although I haven't seen an official explanation, Hungary definitely wants to keep Alaska (arrrrgh and possibly Washington; maybe the voluntary returns were a message that Hungary will play nice if we don't ask for Alaska back. Hungary also still holds three Canadian regions: Saskatchawan, Manitoba and Nanavut (where? Far north!).

It seems the game may turn to politics and overseas for awhile. Russia is retreating North America full speed, but may turn to our Scandinavian allies and North Kora. They stuck their necks out to help us regain the initiative, and now the Russian axe is aimed. We should all be prepared to fight in Europe in the next phase of the war.

Our leaders in the White House and Pentagon have a lot to be proud of. But the two biggest reasons we won the war are because of the unity of our allies and the diligence of the people. We have shown that the power of uniifed 2-clickers is more powerful than tanks!

In his The New World Times, Nero Preto calls this our secret strength.

The war for North America is almost over, but World War III is not over until PEACE is destroyed or rethinks its basic mission. They are still aggressive in several arenas, and all USA 2-clickers will get the fun of fighting around the world for our allies, repaying them for their support with our own blood.