2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 27 September, Sunday

Day 677, 14:13 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 27 September, Sunday
Special afternoon edition

We now have a Q5 hospital in California, and citizens are flooding to the west coast; up to 2452 citizens this afternoon.

Sadly, the USA went 0 for 2 against Hungary yesterday. We lost a resistance war in Washington and our attack on Manitoba failed to liberate that region for Canada. The Manitoba attack was one-on-one with no allies fighting along either side. So it seems the USA war machine may not be able to kick Hungary out, but then again, Hungary cannot attack without "activating our MPPS", meaning all our allies can come fight with us. So the word of the day seems to be: "stalemate". (Too bad, because I was hoping for "contiguous" 🙂 ).

In the intermediate term, Hungary had to use massive tanking to win the battle, whereas the USA did not. After spending August with almost no tax revenue, our gold reserves are low and Hungary's is high, but that difference is equalizing every day. (huh? I mean, we're getting more money now and they spend shitloads on tanking!)

If you look at the wars the USA is involved in, we have NO active battles. Zero, Zilch, nada, ling. I believe this is the first day since I was e-born that the USA was not involved in a single battle!

So what does a fighting 2-clicker do? A day of rest won't hurt. But luckily, there are battles around the world that need our help! The bad news is that, today at least, we need to buy moving tickets to fight.

The DoD Battle Orders ask us to jump on a fast suborbital flight (30 minutes) to Pyangon, North Korea to fight against Iran. Unfortunately, this battle is over with Iran the winner.

Over the next few days, please remember that a major reason for our success in this war is our allies have always been here for us. We will probably get a chance to repay that loyalty by fighting for our allies in Europe and Asia. Some will not require moving tickets (if the mutual protection pacts-MPPs-are activated), but some may.

The cheapest moving tickets on the market right now are a whopping $13.94. And note that you need 2: One to travel there, fight, then another to travel home to heal in our Q5 hospitals. That's a steep price for 2-clicker mid-level players! For this strategy to be effective, the USA would need to supply moving tickets to fighters. This seems unlikely unless we are in the military organization.

As usual, I recommend the Defense Intel Review for a more in depth analysis.

So ... what is an asshole Captain 2-clicker gonna do? I need my daily fighting fix, but I was too late for North Korea! Where can I fight? I DON'T KNOW!!!