2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 25 September, Friday

Day 675, 05:39 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

Congressional Elections!!!

A couple of my readers asked me if I planned to endorse candidates for office. Early on in my time in eAmerica, I read some articles by Astra Kat G, where she discussed all candidates, good and bad, dissected their platforms, and finally gave her recommendations. I was impressed with the clear summaries, the good writing, the fair and balanced discussion, and the clearly reasoned recommendations. She also endorsed Emerick, which was a great choice in my (not really) humble opinion. I was also in awe of the sheer amount of time she had to put in to gather the information and write those articles!

After reflection, I realized it would not be proper 2-clicker behavior to do that much work 🙂. Worse, I'm a bit more cynical than AKG, and I figure if someone actually wants to be a congress-critter, that person has obviously chosen a career in lying, so why should I believe anything she (or he) says before the election?

So what's the true 2-clicker version of congressional elections? Simple: I am pleased to endorse all candidates for Congress who I know, and who are running for congress, and who subscribe to the 2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary!

(Sorry if I leave some of you out--I can't get a list of subscribers, so I've tried to base this on my friends list and people who have recently posted comments. By my criteria for endorsement, if you self-endorse in a comment below this article, then by definition you have my endorsement! (Of course ... an endorsement from a lowlife 2-clicker asshole Captain is of pretty meager value ...)

Compared to the last Congressional election, we have a shit-load of new states. So the race should be more interesting now. I wonder if we even have candidates in all states?

Okay, here are my endorsements.
In the great state of California (newly liberated with a Q5 hospital on the way!), I endorse Astra Kat G. She writes the clearest article, has a warped sense of humor, and tells us 2-clickers what those congress critters actually do (argue about who fetches the coffee, mostly). Plus, she doesn't lie, like most politicians ... if she can't tell us, she says "I'm not going to tell you." Oh yeah, plus her avatar is cute.

For Georgia, I heartily endorse Sheriff Yoda. He definitely has the coolest name and avatar in the game!

My old boss, SeeRoy Co is running in Mississippi. I hope he does well and helps continue to strengthen our economy.

In the most active (that is, least like a 2-clicker) category, I endorse Yang Wenli in Virginia.

This might seem un-nice, but I want to specifically un-endorse a candidate from my birth state of Kentucky, Ron Richardson, for writing "policy's" as the plural form of "policy". Anybody who doesn't know the difference between plural and ownership in grammar doesn't deserve to be in Congress.

Funny. I looked at the candidates in Florida, where most of our population is, and don't know a single candidate. So ... I'm packing up my pickup and heading to California so I can vote for Astra (Awesome) Kat G (Green), running with the United Independents Party.

If you want a complete list of candidates, Astra Kat G put it together for us. She left out the assessments and endorsements, probably because she is now one of them.

Since I'm in a shouting mood, I would like to offer a Captain's salute to newly promoted General Chris Stanwick. Some of you may remember him from early in the war, helping many citizens evacuate to safe regions like Florida. (My salutes, by the way, are as rare as Hawkeye Pierce's from Mash, so I hope he appreciates it and forgives me if it's a bit sloppy.)

Let's see ... what else? Oh yeah, the war! W00T! Look at eGobba's map!! All regions are light blue (owned by eUSA) except DC, Washington state, and Alaska. DC is 1.3 million!!! into the underground, so we have all definitely piled on in the fun of reclaiming our capitol. Sorry, but I think the beer in Georgetown is running out and the drunken orgies are spilling over into Southeast. We haven't attacked Washington yet, but probably will. The Hungarian dogs have fortified Alaska and are obviously prepared to fight, so that will not be an easy battle.
Look to the DoD Battle Orders later today for new orders. Piling on in DC may be fun but seems a bit redundant now 🙂.