2-Clicker 2-Minute Morning Coffee Summary - 28 September, Monday

Day 678, 05:35 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

All is quiet on the western front! And the eastern. And the southern. And the northern! In fact, I can't find a single battle in North America (well, some druggie gang-bangers are having it out in Annandale VA, but those guys don't even use guns). So the word of the day is "viking"!

The only battle I can find that involves the USA directly is Russia vs Norway, where we are allied with Norway. I'm sure all USA fighters would enjoy another chance to kick some Russian butt, especially on behalf of our Norwegian friends, who helped save our butts when Russia was running rampant through North America. So let's go join the Vikings and kamp, kamp, kamp!

Ahh ... good news. Just as I was about to post my article, the official DoD Battle Orders came out, sending us to Trondelag, Norway.

Since I was late yesterday, let me recap a couple of things. We now have a Q5 hospital in California, giving us two Q5 hospitals again in the USA.

We lost are two attacks on Hungarian-held North America (Washington state and Manitoba), so are officially deadlocked. If they attack us, all of our allies can help. If we attack them, we seem not strong enough to win. As we continue to recover from our losses in the last weeks, that may change. Iran invaded North Korea yesterday, and won, so once again our North Korean friends are without an independent homeland.

We are now have the opportunity to join an official alliance: EDEN. The Erepublik Defense and Economic Network now has a formal charter. EDEN was not actually an official organization before, having been merely a thought before necessity forced these various nations into allying against the evil advances of PEACE. EDEN is pretty much the allies that have been fighting PEACE in the last few months, but the official EDEN charter puts a formal structure on this alliance. The USA now gets to decide whether to formally join EDEN, remain independent, or perhaps join SOL, made up primarily of east asian countries.

For those who have been clamoring for peace for months, now we can find out what the game is like without having constantly being under attack, or attacking. Personally, I like to fight, so I'm GOING VIKING!!!!