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The Global Defense Report is one of the oldest newspapers in Erepublik with it's first article having been published on day 131. The GDR specializes in reporting on matters relating to war and global security.

A Quick Look At V1

38 Día 302, 14:41 Publicado en USA USA

Lincoln, Nebraska- With the recent announcement that the release date of V1 will be between October 1st and 15th it is time for us to start preparing for the end of the beta stage. As most of you probably already know V1 is going to have some major

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Screw This I Am Running for RFC President!

6 Día 293, 18:39 Publicado en USA USA

The past two months I have sat on the sidelines of politics in the U.S. back in July I ran against TGM or Franco for the presidential spot of the RFC to succeed Dish. I knew Franco was very capable of the position so I decided I would not distract

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The Complete History Of War In Erepublik: Part Eight

20 Día 292, 07:20 Publicado en USA USA

Global Defense Reports 50th Issue!

With the war in Romania drawing to a close I have enough wars to release a new part to this series. Due to the amount of countries involved in the war in Mexico I … leer más »

A Look into the Past and the Future

5 Día 290, 17:48 Publicado en USA USA

Lincoln, Nebraska- As Archibald steps out of office and Immuno steps in I reflect upon my experiences with the last administration and look forward to the next one. Archibald has caught a good deal of flak about him being an inactive president and

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Return of the Portugese to the Americas?

2 Día 283, 14:56 Publicado en USA USA

Campeche, Portugal- The victorious Portuguese soldiers have arrived in the newly conquered Southeast region of Mexico. Their victory in the region has caused a cease in the hostilities between Spain and Mexico and with the peace treaty between

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