Return of the Portugese to the Americas?

Day 283, 14:56 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Campeche, Portugal- The victorious Portuguese soldiers have arrived in the newly conquered Southeast region of Mexico. Their victory in the region has caused a cease in the hostilities between Spain and Mexico and with the peace treaty between Mexico and Portugal, Mexico has secured its independence from Spain once again at the cost of losing one region to Portugal. The war between Mexico and Spain is still going on but no battles will be fought due to Mexico and Spain no longer sharing a border and since Spain and Mexico are both on the paths to electing new presidents in September it is likely that a peace treaty will soon be signed by those two nations.

The war started on Sunday when the Mexicans declared war on the Spanish in hopes of annexing with Spain to get rid of the goon threat. However due to the extensive mutual protection pact network that Spain had when Mexico declared war on Spain they allowed Spain to bring in allies through their Mpps. Since Venezuela and Portugal both had Mpps with Spain and bordered Mexico they got to fight in the war as well.

On the first day Mexico attacked Venezuelan, Portuguese, and Spanish regions. The Venezuelans got in one fight which they won and then signed a peace treaty. The Portuguese and the Spanish both stayed on the defensive throughout the day and won by large margins. The next day the Spanish and the Portuguese fought over the only Mexican region that bordered a European country or South America (If Venezuela had not signed the treaty they would of fought for Campeche as well). The Mexicans who did not want to be annexed to Spain took advantage of this and decided to just fight Spain and let Portugal in.

This tactic worked well as the Mexicans focused the majority of their defenses against Spain and forced them to fight 812 fights and brought them down to only one solider when the battle was over. Portugal however experienced much less resistance with only 365 fights and in the end had over forty men standing in the region. The Portuguese got the conquer region button pressed faster then the lone Spaniard and once that happened Spain was blocked off from Mexico. Portugal soon signed a peace treaty with Mexico effectively ending the chance of Mexico being invaded.

At the end of the battle there was a great deal of controversy. Many claimed that it was unfair that Portugal got the region when they only fought in half the fights Spain did when both won the battle and that since war was originally declared on Spain that only Spain could gain ground. They would have a point here if it were not for the fact that Portugal was attacked as well and had to defend themselves from the Mexicans just like the Spanish. The Portuguese tactic was completely legal although the developers do plan to make changes to the war module for V1 which may change how things work if two countries attack the same region.

Even if Spain took Campeche it was unlikely that they would of been able to take all of Mexico considering that they were down to one solider in Campeche. Mexico will remain a nation although its future is not clear as the goons are likely to take power in this next election. The current presidents of Spain and Mexico are not running for relection.