A Quick Look At V1

Day 302, 14:41 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Lincoln, Nebraska- With the recent announcement that the release date of V1 will be between October 1st and 15th it is time for us to start preparing for the end of the beta stage. As most of you probably already know V1 is going to have some major changes in it in the way things work. It is likely that there will be some bugs at first but once the kinks get worked out the game will be much more complex and eventful. In this article I will describe some of the up coming additions and what we can expect.

Fight for Freedom- Commonly referred to as FFF, the fight for freedom module has been something people have been waiting for since the release of the war module. Basically it will give nations who have become extinct the right to rebel and give them a chance at being resurrected. Some people believe that regions that have not been taken over and that belonged to a certain country by default will have the ability to revolt and break off. This is not true, with the release of V1 there will be no way to start a new country by revolting, you may only revive an old one.

In order to start a revolt someone will have to pay a certain amount of gold to start up the revolution. The revolting army would take the attackers role and people could fight from anywhere in the nation not just the rebelling region. This will be interesting to watch as they are likely to make some other changes to the war module.

Mutual Protection Pacts- To break up the large alliance blocs the admins have changed the way the mutual protection pact system will work. In V1 they will cost gold from both countries (the amount has yet to be revealed) and will have an expiration date. This will require a much more involved foreign policy. They will also have the ability to initiate an embargo against other nations.

More Congressional Powers- The admins plan to give more power to congress in V1 to encourage activity. Currently congress can only vote on proposals, with the new additions they would be able to make their own proposals and be able to vote on things other then just tax and war proposals.

No More Mayors- Seeing as mayors never did much the admins have decided to give them the ax for now. People often say that mayors do a lot of things and that local governments are necessary when in reality they are not. The game is based on national economies right now and outside of hospitals nothing is region exclusive. Some mayors have gifting and hosing programs but these are not official mayoral duties and people can still do them just as easy without being mayor. The ability to buy hospitals would be transferred to the president.

New Layout- Basically things are just going to be laid out differently and the site will have a different look.

New Inventory restrictions- For the first month of V1 all of the veterans will have 50 units of storage in their inventory. After that it is likely to go down to 10 for everyone. Although 10 is a small number you will be able to get by you just won't be able to stock up as much. If you can limit yourself to two or three weapons and moving tickets you will have more the enough room for food it will just require you to be more active. You will also have the ability to donate items.

Raw Materials- Not much has been mentioned about this yet but they will be added to the game. Basically owners of finished products companies will need to start purchasing raw materials from a raw materials company in order to complete their product. That is about all we know right now.

Applications- Basically instead of having unofficial SO's to hold your companies, Banks, lotteries, and other things you will now be able to have an application for that which would make your company easier to manage and remove the need for the SO. It will also open the door for more complex items such as the stock market.

Well thats just some of the new features we can expect in V1. There are somethings I did not get around to but those are some of the most notable things. Also keep in mind the introduction of raw materials may lower your salary since your employer has to buy the materials now.