The Complete History Of War In Erepublik: Part Eight

Day 292, 07:20 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon
Global Defense Reports 50th Issue!

With the war in Romania drawing to a close I have enough wars to release a new part to this series. Due to the amount of countries involved in the war in Mexico I have named it the Yucatan war as thats where most of the fights were and as I have done with previous wars I will just write one article on it and lump all the attackers into that war instead of having three separate wars like Erepublik has.

The Yucatan War

Duration August 24th- August 26th (2 days)
Aggressor: Mexico
Defenders: Spain, Portugal, and Venezuela
Other Defenders: France, Hungary, Canada, Argentina, The Netherlands, Austria, Norway
Total number of fights: 1,396 (899 Spanish, 496 Portuguese, and 1 Venezuelan)
Fights per day: 698
Battles: 5 (2 Spanish, 2 Portuguese, 1 Venezuelan)
Result: Mexico and Venezuela sign peace treaty, Mexico fends off Spain but lets Portugal in to block Spain from being able to attack Mexico. Portugal and Mexico then sign peace treaty thus ending the war.


This had to of been the most confusing war in Erepublik. The whole dilemma in Mexico began back at the start of August when a few Spaniards moved to Mexico and succeeded in taking over the presidency but they were unable to gain more then half of congress. The motive of the takeover was to annex Mexico to Spain. The leader of the takeover, Alfonso became president and immediately tried to declare war on Spain. International outrage followed, many condemned the political takeover including many Spaniards themselves who did not want Mexico to become a part of Spain. The true Mexicans in Congress managed to shoot down the proposal the first time. Alfonso tried two more times that week but he could never get it past the congress. Eventually he ran out of money to propose the war with and he resigned. Mverslayer, the Spanish president who was condemned for his role in the takeover resigned as well.

After the failure to annex Mexico the Spanish president had a back up plan. A group of Erepublik citizens known as goons from a website called Somethingawful were looking for a new country to control after Greece lost all of its land to Turkey. The goons considered other countries such as Thailand and Argentina but the Spanish president bribed the goons to settle in Mexico because the U.S. had been experiencing a major population boom and he wanted to keep them in check. Hundreds of goons rush into Mexico in hopes of setting up a new society. This upset the native residents of Mexico who still held spots in congress. Later that month Alfonso came back and proposed war on Spain despite the fact that he resigned (the admins never recognized this). Preferring to be under the rule of Spain rather then the goons the Mexican congress passed the proposal and war broke out.

Since Mexico declared war on Spain they activated all of Spain's mutual protection pacts and since Mexico bordered two regions that Spain had a mutual protection pact with and because Portugal and Venezuela had a MPP with Spain they joined in in separate wars rather then just aiding Spain. Now the interesting thing about this is that Mexico only has one region that has an international border with a country other then the U.S. this caused all three countries to try and take the southeast region of Mexico.
Once the fights broke out Spain, Portugal, and Venezuela all went on the defensive in their regions. Venezuela quickly signed a peace treaty while Spain and Portugal went on to win easily. The next day Spain and Portugal went on to attack the same region of Mexico in separate wars. The Mexicans plan was to keep Spain at bay while letting Portugal in. If Portugal took Campeche then Spain would no longer border Mexico and be forced to stop the war. Portugal could of continued the war but Spain is much stronger since all the other countries that had Mpps with Spain are fighting in that war and Spain is much larger in itself.

The strategy was easily visible as Mexico put up twice as many fights against Spain as they did against Portugal. In the end both regions won their battles but Portugal had 40 soldiers in the battle while Spain only had 1. The region however would go to the country of the solider who hit the conquer region button first. Portugal won this contest as well while the lone Spanish solider was having his siesta. Once Portugal took the region they signed a peace treaty with Mexico and thus unofficially ended the war although the Spanish and Mexican war still continues no battles can be fought since they no longer share a border and wars were closed in the beta until the release of V1. Mexico is now under the control of goons but they will survive the beta.

Romania-Hungary War (ongoing)

Duration August 28th- September 3rd (7 days) (5 active)
Aggressor: Romania
Defender: Hungary
Other Defenders: Hungary, Italy, France, Spain, Canada, The Netherlands, Austria, Pakistan, Portugal
Total number of fights: 7,481
Fights per day: 1,496
Battles: 20
Result: Romania conquers most of Hungary but the admins pause the war until V1.


Referred to by some as World War One the war between Romania and Hungary became the largest war in the beta and it will continue in V1 if no peace treaty is signed. It is likely to become the first war of V1 when it is released since Spain does not share a border with Mexico and no other countries were at war at the start of the break.

The cause of this war is mostly speculation but most people believe that it was simply a war over regions. Romania had long been the largest nation in Erepublik and with the support of the Atlantis alliance they were in a good position to take medium sized Hungary. The stiffest opposition however did not come from the Hungarians it came from the strong allies Hungary had MPPs this included Italy,Spain, and Pakistan just too name a few so this would be no push over. Despite the heavy resistance the Romanians received some military aid from other countries in Atlantis and managed to win the first battle and take a region of Hungary.

The Romanians continued to advance further west into Hungary and on the second day conquered the Southern Great Plain in a huge battle with 888 fights making it the largest battle to date. The Romanians seemed to be growing a bit tired after this and the next day the Hungarians were able to hold the line and got the chance to go on the offensive the next day. When the Hungarians got to go on the offensive they were looking to create a Southern Great Plain in the Northern Great Plains where they hoped to take a region from Romania. They out did the Southern plains by putting up 1,022 fights but the outcome remained the same with Romania securing the region. The admins soon delayed the war a couple of days to work out some kinks in the war such as instead of using one weapon in a battle people would have all their weapons eaten up and some people had negative losses on their profiles.

When the war resumed Romania was still on the defensive however they held strong and did not give up any ground. The next day they showed up in force and took five of the six regions Hungary was defending including the Hungarian capital of Budapest. It appeared that Romania would win the war in the coming days but the admins decided to close the war until the release of beta which saved Hungary at least for a while however they did lose seven regions and their capital.

Although some people refer to this war as World War One I don't believe you can really call it that yet. First off the only front is in Eastern Europe and its not really a world war if it only takes place in Hungary. Second off if it was not delayed the war would not even of lasted a week it may of been the largest war in the number of fights but if we continue to see the pattern we have been seeing in the escalation in the size of wars then the record won't last long. Then a lot of countries people claim were involved never officially sent any troops only freelancers. Largest war in Erepublik? Yes. World War One? No.