A Look into the Past and the Future

Day 290, 17:48 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Lincoln, Nebraska- As Archibald steps out of office and Immuno steps in I reflect upon my experiences with the last administration and look forward to the next one. Archibald has caught a good deal of flak about him being an inactive president and such and that contributed to him only being president for one term. In defense of Archie he may not of written many long important articles or of gone in the IRC room every day but he got the job done. The nation did not collapse under him in fact it experienced its largest population boom on record. He did a good job handling this and the economy once that happened. Archibald did almost everything right in his presidency and I believe that it is what he gets done that matters not what he says he gets done.

Now moving on to the future. I will keep my position as secretary of state but I have given up my positions as mayor and congressman. The reason for this is neither of those positions do anything and not holding them allows me to move around from country to country. I plan to move around once war breaks out again and fight.

I look forward to working with Immuno in the future. I think South America is in good shape to deal with Indonesia now that they are in Atlantis and we should not have to worry much about Mexico. My main objective in the coming month is to build on relations with other countries. We are in a good spot with mutual protection pacts and there is stability in our neighboring countries. I want to help get Atlantis more organized but the main problem I see with it is the one thing many people think make it great, its size. It is easier to manage relations with three or four countries like in PANAM then with nine or ten like in Atlantis. Atlantis can be a powerful alliance bloc but not until they get organized.

As for the Marine corps I have just received access to the spreadsheet so I can see who is in what now so I plan to get that a little more organized. I plan to organize the marine corps by having divisions of twenty to thirty soldiers with one lieutenant for each division. I am not going to bother with squads since I think they are too unnecessary. If anyone knows they are in the marine corp please PM me or respond here. so I can see who is active.

Lastly as some of you may have noticed I have not been writing as many articles as normal lately. The reason for this is that I have not had the time lately to pump out an article every three days that takes an hour to write and will be bumped off the latest news page in thirty minutes. I will get an article up on the Romanian war this weekend when I have some free time but I have more important things to do on weekdays.