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[GOV] Renewing MPPs for the Sol Games

5 Day 720, 00:37 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear all,

In the next few hours and days you can expect several MPP proposals turning up in the Malaysian congress again because of a rule change. As announced in the [url=

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[GOV] Sol Games - leavers and joiners

7 Day 712, 18:23 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear citizens,

Unfortunately today Hungary, Russia, Serbia and Turkey have been automatically removed from the Sol Games as they attacked other participants we had active MPPs with. They might or might not return later, this is currently not

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[GOV] Congress donations + Sol Games news

1 Day 711, 13:19 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear all,

This time unfortunately I can't present the regular list of those congress members who donated a part or all of their congress winnings to the central bank last month. It seems the workings of the game changed and only donations made in

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[GOV] Next round of expansion at Sol Games

2 Day 710, 10:04 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear citizens,

Today we will probably start signing MPPs with Finland, Greece, Ireland and Colombia and a bit later with Thailand and Spain as these countries are entering the Sol Games. (The polls on the inclusion of the latter two will finish

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[GOV] Updates on assorted stuff

2 Day 709, 21:13 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Hello all,

- A price has been negotiated for the Q5 hospital placement in eThailand. As soon as the money is gathered and received, you can expect a hospital over there to our neighbors.

- Work on implementing a mentoring program has kicked

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