[GOV] Renewing MPPs for the Sol Games

Day 720, 00:37 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Dear all,

In the next few hours and days you can expect several MPP proposals turning up in the Malaysian congress again because of a rule change. As announced in the latest eRepublik Insider from now on activated MPPs will have to be renewed as well or else they fall out of wars. This means that several Sol Games participants have to MPP with us again if they plan to stay in the war games.

Singapore unfortunately can't afford this and will probably leave the training war. South Africa, Australia and Croatia will renew their MPPs for sure, congress members should vote yes on these proposals! Other affected countries are China, Italy, South Korea, Canada and the USA. Please vote yes on their MPP proposals if they are submitted unless otherwise stated in this article! (The article will be updated if needed.)
Thank you.

Best regards,
(Sol Games organizer)