[GOV] Congress donations + Sol Games news

Day 711, 13:19 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Dear all,

This time unfortunately I can't present the regular list of those congress members who donated a part or all of their congress winnings to the central bank last month. It seems the workings of the game changed and only donations made in the last 1 month can be traced back on the donation lists while most of these donations were made a few days before that.

Still I'd like to thank every congress member who donated some money, and I think the most important thing is that you know who you are and that it's much appreciated. A deep bow to all who donated.

Those who'd like to donate can do it this month as well by sending a part or all of their congress medal gold to The Central bank of Malaysia. I'll make sure to prepare the list in due time next month so you'll be properly credited next time.

With the price of MPPs going up to 100 gold each congress donations can mean the ability to sign 1 more MPP / month improving our safety considerably.

I'd like to ask everyone but especially all congress members to regularly check out the national forums. There are lots of polls going on at The Congress and Government section at any given time. This is mostly because we are signing a huge amount of MPPs currently as part of the Sol Games. Currently you can vote on the inclusion of no less than 9 nations and more are expected.

In-game all the currently running MPP proposals are legit and agreed upon so I'd like to ask all congress members to please vote yes on them. A Spanish MPP proposal is also expected to be going in at any time.

I'll update this article if a non-legit MPP proposal turns up so before voting on a new MPP proposal please consult this article. Thank you.

Best regards,