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[GOV] Further expansion of Sol Games

4 Day 708, 12:23 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear citizens,

In a few minutes Iran will submit an MPP (Alliance) proposal with us in order to join the Sol Games. They have been approved both by our congress and by the current participants (though in an extremely tight vote there). This means

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[GOV] Help Thailand, vote their official candidates!

11 Day 705, 00:08 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear citizens,

Two days ago Thailand has re-emerged in the region of Central Thailand as agreed upon by the eThai leaders and the government of FRoSEA. As long as new or re-emerging countries don't have a congress, everyone can freely take up

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[GOV] The hospital is complete, (+ military issues)

12 Day 701, 14:41 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Hello everyone,

I am thrilled to report to you that our long awaited Q5 hospital is now complete! Now the discussion comes of what we should do with this marvel. While

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[GOV] We welcome Romania to the Sol Games

2 Day 701, 11:31 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear all,

Only a few days have passed but a lot has changed. I'm now here to ask congress members to vote yes on the MPP proposal with Romania which will probably be up in a few hours at most. In the meantime Romania has officially requested to

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[GOV] Please vote 'No' on the MPP with Romania!

2 Day 698, 09:37 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear congress members,

Romania has submitted an MPP proposal with us but without following the standard procedure. As neither the participants of the Sol Games nor the congresses of the

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