[GOV] Sol Games - leavers and joiners

Day 712, 18:23 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Dear citizens,

Unfortunately today Hungary, Russia, Serbia and Turkey have been automatically removed from the Sol Games as they attacked other participants we had active MPPs with. They might or might not return later, this is currently not known.

On the other hand as in less than 30 hours the price of MPPs will increase from 2x30 gold to 2x100 gold we now have a lengthy list of countries looking to join. You can expect MPPs arriving from the following nations as part of the procedure of entering the Sol Games:


Austria, Bolivia, Japan, North Korea, Peru, Spain, Sweden, Uruguay, Venezuela - already proposed, congress members should vote yes on the Alliances with these countries

Argentina and Brazil couldn't join unfortunately as we are currently at war with them indirectly while Bulgaria has decided to remove their request to be allowed in as they decided for another training war.

I'd like to ask congress members to please check out this article before voting on incoming MPP proposals.

On top of this Malaysia might sign 1-2 more MPPs with countries for reasons of security today and tomorrow. Badlands17 will inform you if that happens.

Best regards,