[GOV] Updates on assorted stuff

Day 709, 21:13 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Hello all,

- A price has been negotiated for the Q5 hospital placement in eThailand. As soon as the money is gathered and received, you can expect a hospital over there to our neighbors.

- Work on implementing a mentoring program has kicked into full swing. A preliminary list of guides can be found at the link below. Please PM SetsunaX or I if you want to help us make these guides, especially the advanced ones.

- If you feel inclined to support our nation monetarily, please donate your congressional winnings to the Central Bank. A list will be coming shortly of all the noble souls who donated all or part of their winnings.

- As a good portion of you know, the price of MPPs will go up to 100 gold for both sides on day 714. Obviously, this means a lot of people will sign war games pacts and maybe even some others for protection leading up to this day. Expect busy days for proposals.

- We have talked with eIndonesia's current government, and while much of it is confidential, we can say that eIndo assured us they aren't out for the worst.

- Badlands17, Prime Minister of eMalaysia